Solitaire by Bambino

Care tips

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Sneaker, Canvas, Textile & Mixed Materials


Waterproofing sneaker, canvas and textile shoes is a must, before your shoes or accessories are worn outside for the first time. Solitaire “Sneaker Protector” support the textiles in acting as a barrier and are extremely water-repellent without damaging the fibers.

Coating your things once is great, but it’s not enough – to stay effective, textile waterproofing has to be topped up after shoes or accessories has been worn several times.


Clean your textile shoes using a brush to remove dust particles and dirt from the fabric. The best way to deal with stubborn dirt is with a damp sponge, but this takes still – soles should be kept as dry as possible so as not to dissolve the glue. Glue is also dissolved if you wash your fabric shoes or trainers in the washing machine. Shoe manufacturers should always recommend that you keep them away from the washing machine!

Dust Removing
Dust Removing
Waterproof / Protection

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